Core and non-core subjects at UK schools

By law, all children in England and Wales between ages 5 and 16 must receive a full-time education, while in Northern Ireland, children must begin at age 4. For children under age 5, publicly-funded nurseries and pre-schools are available for a limited number of hours each week. After the age of 16, students can attend sixth form colleges or other further education institutions. Both options offer general education courses in addition to more specific vocational or applied subjects.
The UK introduced a National Curriculum in 1992 and state schools are required to adhere to it until students reach age 16.
School learning is split into 4 key stages relating to the curriculum. Pupils progress through the stages as they go through the school years.

National curriculum core subjects – 5 to 11 year olds (Key stages 1 and 2):

English, Maths, Science, Design and technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Art and design, Music, Physical education

Schools also have to teach religious education and are encouraged to prove personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship, and at least one modern foreign language.

National curriculum core subjects – 11 to 14year olds (Key stage 3):

English, maths, Science, Design and technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Modern foreign languages, Art and design, Music, Citizenship, Physical education.

Schools also have to provide: Careers education and guidance (during Year 9), Sex and Relationship Education (SRE), Religious education.

Throughout key stages 1-3 pupils are routinely tested in Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) but these are being phased out by the Government.

Key stage 4 – GCSE:

At GCSE level, students have to take English, maths, science, IT, citizenship and physical education.

The GCSE is a single-subject examination set and marked by independent examination boards. Students usually take up to ten (there is no upper or lower limit) GCSE examinations in different subjects, including mathematics and English language.

Non-core subjects are:
Design and technology (D&T)
Information and communication technology (ICT)
Modern foreign languages (MFL)
Art and design
Physical education (PE)

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